While looking on Pinterest yesterday evening, I came across a Biskornyu and a Quaker Ball. Both of these projects were completely new to me, but were done so delicately and with such lovely patterns I wanted to know more. This evening, I was so pleased to have found your fantastic site! Thank you for sharing all of these marvelous examples, definitions, patterns and even parts of the history in your posts.
Какая прелесть! Спасибо Вам , что Вы находите столько красоты!
ОтветитьУдалитьЕсли вижу что-нибудь красивое, сразу тащу к себе! А вдруг кому-то пригодится!
ОтветитьУдалитьWhile looking on Pinterest yesterday evening, I came across a Biskornyu and a Quaker Ball. Both of these projects were completely new to me, but were done so delicately and with such lovely patterns I wanted to know more. This evening, I was so pleased to have found your fantastic site! Thank you for sharing all of these marvelous examples, definitions, patterns and even parts of the history in your posts.
ОтветитьУдалитьDear Brenda! Welcome to my blog!I'm glad you liked it!