
вторник, 18 марта 2014 г.

"Вышитая пирамида с кисточкой"

4 комментария:

  1. Какая прелесть! Спасибо Вам , что Вы находите столько красоты!

  2. Если вижу что-нибудь красивое, сразу тащу к себе! А вдруг кому-то пригодится!

  3. While looking on Pinterest yesterday evening, I came across a Biskornyu and a Quaker Ball. Both of these projects were completely new to me, but were done so delicately and with such lovely patterns I wanted to know more. This evening, I was so pleased to have found your fantastic site! Thank you for sharing all of these marvelous examples, definitions, patterns and even parts of the history in your posts.
