
пятница, 25 октября 2013 г.

Вышивка крестом: Алфавит в стиле Туаль де Жуи от Les Brodeuses Parisiennes

P.S. Цвета они не выслали, поэтому придется подбирать самим

А вот и полный алфавит!!!

Схемы просите здесь

9 комментариев:

  1. Thanks Irina!

    Please, can you help me and say where I can find the other letters D-Z?

    Greetings from Bavaria

  2. Unfortunately I have only this letters and I never saw another one before.

  3. Olá ! Muito lindo seu blog!
    Tudo nos minimos detalhes completamente lindo e delicado!
    Gostaria de saber se tem como me enviar esses graficos, fiquei encantada!
    Se for possivel meu email é esse: star_orange16@hotmail.com
    Desde já agradeço muito!

  4. http://www.pinterest.com/source/criatividadesrose.blogspot.com.br/

  5. Hello,
    I am one of the 2 Brodeuses Parisiennes co-designers.
    I am amazed you offer our work for free on your website.
    Please note our patterns are copyright protected.
    You might not know.
    Please delete our patterns from your site as soon as possible.
    Best regards
    Les Brodeuses Parisiennes
